분류 전체보기 4478

아메리칸 조크 - 비뇨기과를 찾아온 노신사와 접수 직원

An older gentleman had an appointment to see the urologist who shared an office with several other doctors. The waiting room was filled with patients. As he approached the receptionist desk he noticed that the receptionist was a large unfriendly woman who more resembled a Sumo wrestler. He gave her his name. In a very loud voice, the receptionist said, "YES, I HAVE YOUR NAME HERE; YOU WANT TO SE..

아메리칸 조크 - 스카이다이빙 훈련 중 떨어뜨린 물건

There are three men in the military practicing skydiving. The first man jumps out and a swiss army knife falls out of his pocket. The second man jumps out and a kitchen knife falls out of his pocket. The third jumps out and a grenade falls out of his pocket. When they land, they go and look for the things they drop because they could have really hurt someone. The first man is running along the s..

아메리칸 조크 - 택시 안에서 아기를 낳으려 해

A man comes into the ER and yells, "My wife’s going to have her baby in the cab!" I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady’s dress, and began to take off her under-wear. Suddenly I noticed that there were several cabs and I was in the wrong one. 어떤 남자가 응급실로 들어와서 소리쳤다, "제 아내가 택시 안에서 아기를 낳으려고 해요!" 나는 내 진료 가방을 집어 들고, 그 택시로 달려가서 여자의 옷을 들어 올리고, 그러고 그녀의 내의를 벗기기 시작하였다. 갑자기 나는 거기에 여러 대..

아메리칸 조크 - 모자를 어디 뒀는지 이젠 기억나요

Murphy showed up at Mass one Sunday and the priest almost fell down when he saw him. He had never been to church in his life. After Mass, the priest caught up with him and said, "Murphy, I am so glad ya decided to come to Mass. What made ya come?" Murphy said, "I got to be honest with you Father. A while back, I misplaced me hat and I really, really love that hat. I know that McGlynn had a hat j..