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아메리칸 조크 - 저녁 식사때 뭘 먹고 싶어?

Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen: "What would you like for dinner, my love? Chicken, Beef or Lamb?" I said, "Thank you, dear. I think I'll have chicken." She replied, "You're having soup, dumbass. I was talking to the cat!" 어젯밤 나는 소파에 앉아 TV를 보고 있었는데 그때 나는 부엌에서 들려오는 아내의 목소리를 들었다: "너 저녁 식사로 뭘 먹고 싶어, 내 사랑아? 닭고기, 소고기 아니면 양고기?" 내가 말했다, "고마..

아메리칸 조크 - 허리 굽은 노파가 허리 펴고 나와

A bent-over old lady hobbled into a doctor's office. Within minutes, she came out again but miraculously, she was standing up as straight as could be. A man in the waiting room who had been watching her said in amazement; "My goodness, what did the doctor do to you?" The old lady replied, "He gave me a longer cane!" 허리 굽은 한 노파가 비틀거리며 병원으로 들어섰다. 잠시 후, 그녀는 도로 나왔다, 그러나 기적적이었다, 그녀는 더할 나위 없이 곧게 서 있었다..

아메리칸 조크 - 몸을 구부리면 어디서든 달려들어

A guy asks a friend, "I have been married to the same woman for 20 years. Is it wrong to think she is sexy?" The friend says, "No, I think that's wonderful!" The guy says, "Every time my wife bends over and I see the curve of her ass, I just have this urge to have sex with her...right there and then! Well, the other day my wife dropped an orange and she bent over to pick it up. And that urged hi..