아메리칸 조크 4436

아메리칸 조크 - 원하면 30분 만에 해드리죠

Patient- "Dr. How much it will cost me to extract my two teeth?" Dentist- "$300." Patient- "How much time it will take?" Dentist- "Five minutes." Patient- "Five minutes only & it's $300! Don't you think that is too expensive?" Dentist- "I can do it in 30 minutes if you want." 치과 환자- "선생님, 제 이 두 개를 뽑는데 비용이 얼마나 듭니까?" 치과 의사- "300달러입니다." 치과 환자- "시간은 얼마나 걸립니까?" 치과 의사- "5분입니다." 치과 환자- "단 5분에 300달라요! 그..

아메리칸 조크 - 거북을 붙들어 오줌을 누이세요

A waitress walks up to a man to take his order. "I'd like to get the turtle soup, please." The waitress walks off to go get his order, but the man changes his mind and decides he wants the pea soup instead. "Hold the turtle, make it pea!" 웨이트리스가 어떤 남자에게 주문을 받으러 갔다. "난 바다거북 수프를 먹을래요." 웨이트리스가 그의 주문을 받고 갔다, 그러나 남자는 마음을 바꿔 대신 완두콩 수프를 먹기로 하였다. "거북은 그만두고, 완두로 해 주세요!" [참고] * turtle soup ☞ 바다거북 수프, 자라탕 ..

아메리칸 조크 - 트럭에서 점점 멀어지고 있잖아

Two hunters were dragging their dead deer back to their car. Another hunter approached pulling his along too. "Hey, I don’t want to tell you how to do something… but I can tell you that it's much easier if you drag the deer in the other direction. Then the antlers won't dig into the ground." After the third hunter left, the two decided to try it. A little while later one hunter said to the other..

아메리칸 조크 - 온몸이 아이스크림으로 덮인 펭귄

It's a really hot day and this penguin is having car trouble, so he takes it into a garage. The penguin asks, "How long will it be?" The mechanic says, "Just a few minutes." So the penguin decides to go get an ice cream at the grocery store across the street. When the penguin gets there he climbs inside the big freezer door and starts to eat ice cream. Three hours go by before the penguin looks ..

아메리칸 조크 - 누구의 개가 더 똑똑한가?

Two neighbors are talking to each other. First neighbor says, "Do you know that my dog is so smart, he waits for the newspaper to drop at the doorstep and then delivers it to me?" Second neighbor replies, "Of course, I know that very well." First neighbor, says, "Really, well then, how?" Second neighbor, replies, "My dog came and told me." 두 이웃 사람이 서로 이야기하고 있었다. 첫 번째 이웃 사람이 말했다, "내 개는 아주 영리해서 신문..