아메리칸 조크 4436

아메리칸 조크 - 컴퓨터 비밀번호가 너무 짧아

A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough." 어떤 남편과 아내가 그들의 컴퓨터에 새 비밀번호를 설정하려 하고 있었다. 남편이 "내페니스,"라고 쳤다, 그러자 아내는 웃으며 바닥에 쓰러졌다, 왜냐하면 화면에 "에러, 길이가 충분하지 않습니다."라고 쓰여있었기 때문이다.

아메리칸 조크 - 남편 머리가락에 어울리는 옷

Two elderly ladies were discussing the upcoming dance at the country club. "We're supposed to wear something that matches our husband's hair, so I'm wearing black," said Mrs. Smith. "Oh my," said Mrs. Jones, "I'd better not go." 나이 든 두 여자가 다가오고 있는 컨트리클럽에서의 댄스에 관해 이야기하고 있었다. "우리들은 남편의 머리가락에 어울리는 걸 입어야 해, 그래서 나는 검은 옷을 입을 거야," 하고 스미스 부인이 말했다. "이런!" 존스 부인이 말했다, "난 안 가는 게 낫겠어." [참고] * "I'd better not..

아메리칸 조크 - 양쪽 눈이 의안인 오토바이 운전자

A medical student is driving home on a narrow country road in the middle of the night after his shift in the hospital. The weather is terrible. It's raining cats and dogs. Suddenly a motorbike is screaming by with very high speed. "Jesus Christ! What an idiot! He will crash if he doesn't slow down!" A few minutes later he spotted in his headlights on the side of the road the torn up motorbike ag..

아메리칸 조크 - 교통사고로 두 다리를 잃은 환자

Patient: "I’m in a hospital! Why am I in here?" Doctor: "You’ve had an accident involving a bus." Patient: "What happened?" Doctor: "Well, I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" Patient: "Give me the bad news first." Doctor: "Your legs were injured so badly that we had to amputate both of them." Patient: "That’s terrible! What’s the good news?" Doctor: "T..

아메리칸 조크 - 그 병원 음식은 어땠나요?

A guy gets out of the V.D. Hospital and decides to a hire a hooker, since he's been without for so long. Before long, he brings one home, and they have sex four times. After it's over, he turns to her and tells her he hasn't had sex in four months because of being in the V.D. Hospital. "How's the food there?" asks the hooker. "Because I'm going in there tomorrow!" 한 남자가 성병 병원에서 퇴원하였는데 오랫동안 섹스를 못..