아메리칸 조크

아메리칸 조크 - 난 안했는데 벌을 받았어

양치석 2015. 11. 26. 07:49

A little girl came home from school and said to her mother, "Mommy, today in school I was punished for something that I didn't do."

The mother exclaimed, "But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher about this ... by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"

The little girl replied, "My homework."

어린 소녀가 학교에서 집으로 돌아와 엄마에게 말했다, "엄마, 오늘 학교에서 나는 안했는데 벌을 받았어."

엄마가 소리쳤다, "그건 끔찍한 일이야! 내가 네 선생님과 이걸 따져봐야겠다...그런데 네가 안했다는게 뭐야?"

어린 소녀가 대답했다, "내 숙제야."
