2024/01 31

아메리칸 조크 - 남편의 트럭을 팔겠다는 부고 기사

An old lady walked into a newspaper office. She approached an employee and said that her husband had died and that she would like to have an obituary appear in the paper. The employee gave her a form and told her to write the obituary on it. She wrote, "Earl W. Worth died Saturday, December 2nd at his home. Services are at The Baptist Church at 3 P.M." The employee looked at the form and said, "..

아메리칸 조크 - 이름이 똑같은 5명의 아들

"What did the black woman name her 5 sons?" "Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone, and Tyrone." "How did she tell them apart?" "She just called them by thier last names." "그 흑인 여자는 그녀의 다섯 이이들의 이름을 뭐라고 지었나요?" "타이론, 타이론, 타이론, 타이론, 타이론." "그들을 구분해서 부르려면 어떻게 불렀나요?" "그들을 그냥 성으로 불렀어요." [참고] 아이들 각자의 성이 달라서 아이들을 개별적으로 부를 땐 이름을 부르지 않고 성을 불렀다는 조크

아메리칸 조크 - 동상에 생명을 불어넣었더니

A famous scientist developed a formula to bring statues to life. He went to a local park to try it out on a statue of Gen. Ulysses Grant. After application, Gen Grant began to move and soon was completely alive. The scientist asked, "What's the first thing you'll do, General?" The general answered while drawing his pistol, "I'm going to kill about a million damn pigeons!" 유명한 과학자가 동상에 생명을 불어넣는 방..

아메리칸 조크 - 부부간 말은 서로가 듣지 않아

Married life is boring. The first year of marriage, the husband does the talking and the wife listens. The second year, the wife talks and the husband listen. And, finally, starting the third year, they both talk and the neighbors do the listening. 결혼생활은 지겹다. 결혼 첫해에는 남편이 이야기하고 아내가 듣는다. 두 번째 해에는, 아내가 이야기하고 남편이 듣는다. 그러고, 드디어, 삼 년째로 들어서면, 그들은 둘 다 이야기하고 그걸 듣는 사람은 이웃사람들이다.