A young fellow was about to be married and was asking his grandfather about sex. He asked, "How often I should have it?"
His grandfather told him, "When you first get married, you want it all the time, and will maybe do it several times a day. Later on, sex tapers off and you have it once a week or so. Then as you get older, you have sex maybe once a month. When you get really old, you are lucky to have it once a year, maybe on your anniversary."
The young fellow then asked his grandfather, "Well how about you and Grandma now?" His grandfather replied, "Oh, we just have oral sex now." "What's oral sex?" the young fellow asked.
"Well," Grandpa said, "She goes to bed in her bedroom, and I go to bed in my bedroom. And she yells, 'Fuck You', and I holler back, 'Fuck You' too."
어떤 젊은이가 결혼을 앞두고 할아버지에게 섹스에 관하여 질문했다. 그가 물었다, "할아버지 그걸 얼마나 자주해야 하나요?"
할아버지가 말했다, "결혼 처음에는 항상하고 싶지, 하루에 몇차례 하게 될거야, 나중에 섹스 횟수가 줄어들어 일주일에 한번정도 하게 되고, 나이가 더 들면 아마 한달에 한 번하게 되지. 진짜로 늙어지면 운좋으면 일년에 기념일 같은날 한번 하게 되는거야."
그러자 그가 할아버지에게 물었다, "그럼 할아버지와 할머니는 지금 어떠세요?" 할아버지가 대답했다, "오, 우린 지금 입으로만 섹스해." 젊은이가 물었다, "입으로 하는 섹스가 뭔데요?"
할아버지가 말했다, "그건, 할머니는 할머니 침실에 자러가고, 나는 내 침실에 자러가는데, 할머니가 Fuck You 라고 소리치면 나도 Fuck You 라고 되받아치는 거지."
[참고] * sex tapers off ☞ 섹스 횟수가 점점 줄어들다